Garden State Art Weekend

Saturday, April 19, Sunday, April 20 & Monday, April 21

All Around New Jersy

About Garden State Art Weekend

Art guide

Garden State Art Weekend is a statewide celebration of art in New Jersey sponsored by Manufacturers Village Artists in East Orange NJ. Our mission is to create an inclusive, once-a-year art weekend for all to enjoy. We are proud to be hosting GSAW for a second year and hope to expand to all areas of the state.   

The first edition of Garden State Art Weekend, April 19-21, 2024, included 115 participants located in 15 counties across the state from Passaic to Atlantic county. Leading participating institutions included Montclair Art Museum, The Newark Museum of Art, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, and Hunterdon Art Museum. Check out the 2024 GSAW Guide for the full list of participating venues.

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