City of Water Day

Saturday, July 13, 8am–4pm

Hoboken Cove

Save the Date: City of Water Day, Saturday, July 13th, 8 AM until 4 PM!

Free activities for all ages  include: Youth fishing clinic; kayaking, outrigger canoeing & paddleboarding; environmental science activities; cardboard kayak race; waterfront walking tour; beach clean up; historical tour of the waterfront via kayak; art on the waterfront; beach games; music; information from local environmental organizations.

Participating organizations include: Resilience Adventures; Hoboken Cove Community Boathouse; Ke Aloha Outrigger Canoe; Hudson River Fishermen’s Association; Hoboken Historical Museum; Montclair State HAB Lab; Food & Water Watch; Liz Cohen Ndoye art; Dana Harrison music.
Sponsored by the Waterfront Alliance and the NY/NJ Harbor & Estuary Program.
More details to follow at!

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